Nostr Is The Network That You Can Imagine.
NIP-05 is a proposal within Nostr (if you want to know more, visit this article in BTC Times for English or this in Estudio Bitcoin for Spanish) to implement a form of identification of a nostr-network user, using his public key, with this it seeks to map Nostr keys to DNS-based Internet identifiers (in a format similar to an email address).
Based on this proposal, we want to offer the identification service based on validation via DNS.
The cost of this service will be ⚡5,000 satoshis. (we register you on two domains, choose and use whatever you want!) or
Your paying for this service will help us with domain and server costs maintenance, as well as adding new domains and other services. In advance, thank you!
There are some limitations to * usernames choices. Username choice should be restricted to characters «a-z0-9-_.», without distinguishing between upper and lower case, it implies that it’s not case sensitive.
The identifier has two parts to know:
- user identifier or username within Nostr, defined in PIN-05 as <local-part>
- and the domain that must be public on the Internet, identified in the NIP-05 as <domain>
This results in your identifier, for example: «[email protected]», where «mynostr» would be the user you might be using within Nostr.
* This does not necessarily have to be so. You could identify yourself as [email protected] (NIP05), and then in the Nostr-network, filled your username as «Satoshi» (filling the NIP05 field with [email protected]). However, for consistency, it’s recommended that you keep that structure:
first part = nostr-username
Important, this identifier must be placed in the Nostr client or clients you use, don’t forget it! Once validated by the Nostr client, it will put a mark (checkmark). The checkmark indicates that your «username» + your public key has been identified in our DNS domain. For example, you would put in the Iris client the configuration as seen in the image:
When initiating your payment, you will be asked for an email. Use the same email that you will use in the form. We will contact you through it to confirm when everything has been correctly processed or if the user you have chosen is duplicated. E.g. [email protected] cannot exist for two users.
Note: If there is a problem with your Nostr client, you should ask whoever is developing that application for support. In, we can only help you check that your data has been correctly registered on our DNS server. We cannot help you with Nostr applications.
If your invoice is not paid, your registration will not be processed.